So, due to the fact that working in retail is one of the most satisfying jobs anyone could possibly have, I decided to put all of the stuff we encounter, say on a regular basis, or hear from those pleasant people we call customers, in alphabet form. Here goes...
A - Accuse. What people do to us if its our fault or not. Apparently, we make the prices and then put them in the computer wrong. Just for fun...
B - Break. Yes, I do need one. It prevents me from exploding, so get over the fact that you have to stand in the queue for 2 minutes longer. I'm also hungry, thus crabbit and grumpy!
C - Complain. What people do about EVERYTHING! FFS!
D - Do you work here?Nope, I have a uniform and a name badge for the bant!
E - Everyone is different. Some people are nice too.
F - Friends. Those I work with who understand what I mean and keep me sane.
G - Get it yourself. Enough said!
H - 'Hi/Hello.' I greeted you, fuckin pretend you know I am here at least!
I - Ignorant. What loadsa people are.
J - Jinx. "Its quiet in here today...." YOU...WANKER!
K - Kylie. Yes its my name, but it doesn't mean we are now bffs and your being creepy...and no, we cannot be fb friends :$
L - Looks. If they could kill, I'd be dead! What customers give if I ask a question I should have obviously known the answer to. i.e What pump are you at? Look says: Jesus christ, do you not know? Are you not watchin? I shouldn't have to answer this! Can you not do your job and watch what people are doin? I don't know the number because I shouldn't have to look because you should know! OMFG, I'm on the brink of a seizure here because you asked me a question!...pump 9! (we only have 8)...
M - Mobile phone. Talk to ME at my till. Don't talk to the person on the other end and expect me to know what you want, they can wait or you can talk and then come to the till. I know I'm good, but sorry, I just don't have th ability to read minds....
N - Nice. Some people are like this (no sarcasm). They make me happy. Until the next ignorant one comes along.
O - Off License. Where dumb people put their stuff on the closed till and read (and re-read) a sign telling them to please go to another till. 'I think I will just stand on sure!'
P - Public. The people who make us want to come to work.
Q - Queue. Don't come to a shop if you aren't willing to stand in a queue. It gets busy! You come at this time everyday, so therefore you know, and you still complain!
R - Rant. Once again, what we have to listen to many customers do...I'm only here to serve and stock son!
S - Smell. What some people do! Or what I need an epic sense of to enable me to tell what hot drink someone has got!
T - Treat me like you would like to be treated or I WILL make your experience very unpleasant :). Treat me like shite, you will be treated like shite. Treat me nice, I will be epically nice to doesn't take much.
U - Underestimate. Don't do this to me :)
V - Vodka! What I would like mid-shift some nights to keep!
W - What do you want me to do? My response to people who complain about cars in the forecourt, or something stupid like 'You call this a shop?' Piss off. I don't care! Nothing I can do really. Want me to go move the cars for you???
X - X-Ray vision. What I wouldn't mind having someday's! And no, it isn't for my own good, its so I can see the thieves we get when there is often a 'special occasion' in the area!
Y - You are doin my head in! What I think as people complain to me about shite!
Z - Zygote. What I think you are as smart as :)
I do suppose I am a member of the public too, but due to the fact I know how people can treat me, I treat shop workers how I would like to be treated at work. Lets face it, without those check out chicks and shop staff, we would have no food!....
Well, it has been a while since I have been on this. Reason life is so exciting I just haven't had the time! HA, there's a laugh if there ever was one.
Lets face it, I am NOT the most exciting person in the world. My day (5 days a week) goes a little something like this -
-Get up
-Start getting ready for work
-Do a wee tidy or watch tv
-Go to work for 8 hours!
-Come home
-Start again....
Yes yes, I know, you wish yours was this good too. On the 2 other days, I usually, sit at the computer, footer about, maybe go shopping and spend money I don't have, maybe go to the cinema....what else is there to do?
Recently I was given the Sims 3 to try, and guess what?....Now I am addicted! It is the most addicting game ever, and when your playing it, time flies! Make a family or person and run or ruin their lives. AND, you get even more satisfaction by creating someone you 'don't like' in real life, and destroying theirs in Sims! Sorry, yes, I will admit, I can be a bit evil, but hey, that's life and everyone has someone they don't like.
What else? What else? Ummmm, nothing. Thats it! OMFG, I need to do more, and get out more!
Gonna find a hobby. I'll let you know how it goes!
Oh yea! See Egypt? Glad I'm not there now. They are ruinin an amazing place. I was in all them places, Cairo, Tahrir Square and all....mental. Now, that would be something excitin to blog!